
Increase your

h-index by 10%

Increase h-index by 1.1x [1]

A higher grant success rate [3]

+$2k USD salary / year [2]

1.2x more downloads [4]

[1] Internal analysis based off scopus data and Zong, Q., Xie, Y., Tuo, R. et al. The impact of video abstract on citation counts: evidence from a retrospective cohort study of New Journal of Physics. Scientometrics 119, 1715–1727 (2019).

[2] Samaniego, Charissa, et al. "Higher research productivity= more pay? Gender pay-for-productivity inequity across disciplines." Scientometrics 128.2 (2023): 1395-1407.

[3] Pagel, Paul S., and Judith A. Hudetz. "Scholarly productivity and national institutes of health funding of foundation for anesthesia education and research grant recipients: insights from a bibliometric analysis." Anesthesiology 123.3 (2015): 683-691.

[4] Ding, Y., Dong, X., Bu, Y. et al. Revisiting the relationship between downloads and citations: a perspective from papers with different citation patterns in the case of the Lancet. Scientometrics 126, 7609–7621 (2021).