Businesses: Increase Your Sales by 1.2x

Increase research impact by 1.2x [1]

Improve customer understanding 4x [3]

Increase sales by 1.2x [2]

6x Twitter Channel Growth [4]

[1] Zong, Q., Xie, Y., Tuo, R. et al. The impact of video abstract on citation counts: evidence from a retrospective cohort study of New Journal of Physics. Scientometrics 119, 1715–1727 (2019).

[2] Wang, Z. (2024). Sales impact of live streaming (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from

[3] Bredbenner K, Simon SM (2019) Video abstracts and plain language summaries are more effective than graphical abstracts and published abstracts. PLoS ONE 14(11): e0224697.
